How to Clean Practically Anyything Free Download eBook

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How to Clean Practically Anything eBook

Free Download an eBook that would really help you cleaning Dishes, Floor, Metal Objects, Furniture, Air Cleaners, and much more, Practically saying this book help you cleaning anything you want. Many people find that frequent, systematic light cleaning has advantages over periodic upheaval. For one thing, the continuous cleaning process is far easier on household surfaces. It minimizes the need for scrubbing that causes unnecessary wear and tear on wall, floor, and furniture finishes. In addition, dust on wooden surfaces, as well as on upholstery, draperies, and so forth, may be easier to remove before it builds up and combines with other soil such as body oils and tiny airborne droplets of cooking grease. Frequent vacuuming will also minimize the need for professional cleaning. Some find it easier to do a chore or two a day rather than let tasks accumulate and become overwhelming.

Develop a list of all tasks that need to be done during the year and group them under frequency headings-daily, weekly, monthly, semiannually, and annually. It may be possible to budget your time so that weekly chores are spread out over several days. For people with weekday responsibilities other than cleaning, house maintenance must be on a catch-as-catch-can basis. But even within the limits of available time, it's a good idea to plan to accomplish household tasks on a regular schedule.

What you clean and how often you clean depend upon your personal preferences and tolerances. The following schedule is meant as a guideline to suggest how a home can be cleaned with well-defined tasks. Divide responsibilities among all family members. Make certain that everyone knows who does what and when.

Daily: Dishes should be washed, dried, and put away, and kitchen counters wiped after each meal. Clean the kitchen sink and wipe the range surfaces (including the microwave oven) once a day or, even better, after each use. Picking up should become second nature.

Weekly: Dust furniture and shelves; vacuum and, where applicable, brush upholstered furniture, Vacuum rugs and floors. Clean under furniture and behind it. Damp mop the kitchen floor, Empty waste baskets, Wash bathroom basins, fixtures, floors, Dust radiators, woodwork, pictures, and mirrors. Wipe window sills, and brush shades and blinds. Clean kitchen range burners. Wipe the refrigerator and kitchen cabinet fronts, Polish bright metal surfaces.

Monthly: Do one or more of the following special jobs in several rooms on the same day: vacuum and, where applicable, brush curtains and draperies. Wipe WQod trim and, where needed, wipe walls and around doorknobs. Wash windows. Wash and, if necessary, wax the kitchen floor. Polish wood furniture and vacuum upholstered furniture, paying special attention to cleaning under cushions and in crevices between the back and the cushion support. To prolong their life, turn over mattresses, end to end and side to side, which will help equalize their wear. In hot weather, clean air conditioner filters according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

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